Root Canal Post-Op Instructions
Get The Best Possible Outcome
Following our guidelines for postoperative care is essential for the best possible outcomes after undergoing root canal therapy. For your convenience, here are instructions on how to best prepare for surgery, and heal quickly afterward.

Post-Op Instructions
Post-Op Instructions Following Root Canal Therapy
Please adhere to the following instructions and don’t hesitate to reach out with any concerns.
- Refrain from eating or drinking for the initial 30 minutes post-procedure to ensure the temporary filling sets properly. Also, try not to poke the treated tooth with your tongue during this period.
- Should you receive any prescriptions, fill them immediately and follow the usage directions. If no prescriptions are issued, you may use over-the-counter ibuprofen options like Motrin or Advil for pain and swelling relief, provided you're not allergic. Tylenol is another option. Always adhere to the recommended dosage on the medication's label. Should pain management prove difficult, contact our office right away.
- To reduce swelling, apply a cold compress to the cheek adjacent to the treated area. Using a cloth barrier between the ice and your skin, apply the compress in 20-minute intervals with at least 20 minutes of rest in between, for the next 6-8 hours as necessary.
- When you begin eating and drinking again, steer clear of using the treated area for chewing until the final restoration is in place. The temporary materials used can be fragile and prone to damage. Hard foods should be avoided to prevent damage to the temporary filling or crown. Sensitivity may increase until the permanent restoration is fitted. It's crucial to arrange for your permanent crown or filling with a restorative dentist within a month to avoid complications. Delaying this can increase the risk of the temporary protection failing or decay forming.
- Maintain cleanliness around the treated site with gentle brushing and flossing.
- While it's uncommon for temporary fillings to dislodge, should it happen, please contact your dentist promptly. For instances occurring outside regular hours, temporary filling kits are available at pharmacies for interim solutions until professional care can be accessed.
- It's normal to experience some discomfort for 2 to 4 days post-treatment, with potential soreness extending a few weeks.
- Continue regular oral hygiene practices unless advised otherwise by our office. Follow any additional instructions given during your visit and take prescribed medications as directed.

What to Do in the Case of a Flare-Up
Flare-ups are infrequent, affecting about 5% of cases, and can bring about significant discomfort. They typically arise in teeth that are highly irritated, infected, or have undergone previous treatments. Flare-ups can happen unexpectedly, even to those who have previously had root canals without issues. Should you experience a flare-up characterized by moderate to severe pain, swelling, throbbing, or discomfort, please contact our office immediately. Additional medications, such as antibiotics, may be prescribed, or you might need to return for further treatment.